Event details
- Monday | January 6, 2025
- All Day
This workshop will cover:
- Purpose of a khutbah or halaqah – Combining our scholarly traditions as well as surveying thousands of Muslims across the country, we cover what the real expectations are from the audience and how to provide something valuable to them.
- Idea Funnel – Technique to help develop actual topics for a speech. We cover how to take a general idea like “forgiveness” and narrow it down to a practical, actionable, and specific topic.
- Speech Writing – Learn how to construct a speech of any type. This module has the most applicability including general presentations you may have to make (classroom, at events, and even corporate). This covers developing an essay style format speech, how to effectively use narratives, how to properly plagiarize a YouTube video, and one of our special and most effective speech-writing techniques: Reverse-Engineered Narratives.
- Public speaking and speech delivery essentials – This covers our GPS Technique to help keep you from losing your train of thought while speaking and recovering from tangents. It also covers everything you need to know about speaking before, during, and after your speech – including how to create an effective Feedback Loop for yourself.
- Tarbiyyah – Special Tarbiyyah session aimed at spirituality for the speaker.
About Br. Omar Usman:
He has over 10 years of experience in various roles including consulting and project management. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science with a focus in Technical Writing, is a certified leadership speaker/trainer through the John Maxwell Team, and a Project Management Professional (PMP). He is a founding member Qalam Institute and of various initiatives under its umbrella such as Debt Free Muslims. He has previously held key leadership positions with Islamic organizations such as MuslimMatters.org and Bayyinah Institute. Omar regularly delivers khutbah in the Dallas area and is a primary instructor of our Khateeb Workshop program.
Omar has delivered presentations and keynotes on Social Media, Leadership, Personal Finance, and other related topics at Islamic centers and conventions across North America.