The memorization of the Holy Qur’aan is one of the most virtuous actions that a believer can undertake. It is narrated that whosoever commits the Qur’aan to memory, will be ordered to recite and elevate through the levels of Paradise according to the number of verses they have memorized (Ahmad).
Goal: To develop quality Huffadh and Huffadhas for our communities.
Admission Requirements
- Children 8+
- Ability to read the Quran with fluency
- Ability to apply the rules of Tajweed (Plus)
- Successful passing of qualification examination by Hifdh Instructor. Scroll to bottom of page to register for your assessment
- Open enrollment all year long
Program Objectives
- Memorize the entire Holy Qur’aan, inshaAllah.
- Learn various techniques on how to memorize the Qur’aan and the best one that works for you.
- Be directed by your instructor on how you can improve your overall recitation whilst memorizing the Qur’aan.
- Learn more about the spiritual benefits of memorizing the Qur’aan and how you can benefit others.
- Revise the rules of Tajweed alongside your memorization.
- The target to complete memorization is 5 years, although students may take longer or shorter, this varies greatly by student and should be used simply as a rough estimate.

Program details
- Student’s quality of memorization will be emphasized, each student must know or will be taught the rules of tajweed.
- Sun 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM. Students are expected to recite 1-2 hours daily at home, with homework being assigned on days off.
- Student will recite previous lesson with teacher.
- Student will recite new portion of Quran with teacher.
- Student will review what was memorized previously with teacher.
- Outside classroom hours will depend on student.
- Boys and girls will be in separate classrooms.
Class Requirements
- Log book provided for tracking student daily progress.
- Each student shall wear the IQRA Academy uniforms to class.
- Each student is required to have an electronic device that supports the IQRA Academy’s endorsed Quran app (iOS, Andriod). iOS strongly preferred.
- The student must bring their own Quran, which must be either 13 or 15 lines per page. 15 lines strongly preferred.
- Student will be given an examination with the teacher after every Juz’ memorized.
- After 1st Juz’ memorized, and every 5th Juz’ memorized thereafter, student will get certificate of completions.
- The program is considered complete after 1 Khatam with the teacher.
- After completing the Khatam, the student is expected to revise the Quran throughout the year using the techniques learned from the program.

Mentorship, monthly guest speakers invited to speak about special topics, monthly fun night, quarterly field trips, qirat competition
NON-REFUNDABLE Registration Fee: $50
Tuition: $220/month. 10% Discount given for each additional sibling(s).
Financial Aid is available.

Parent Testimonials:
“IQRA Academy has brought what we have being searching for a few years now. Instead of following Shaykhs and Hafidhs in different states, Iqra Academy brought us, in our own home state and in our neighborhood, the ideal model our kids can relate to. Young Sheikhs, born and raised here, who speak the same language, who went through the same process…”
“It has always been tough to convince our kids to follow the steps of some Sheikh’s that has lived in a Muslim country. My 2 boys meet up with their friends there and are serious during the program. They also have some fun during their breaks or during the organized trips to fun places such as SkyZone. Our kids know that they are not alone in this endeavor. And in a six month period, the progress has been great Alhumdulilah. We pray that Allah bless this institution, help it thrive and grow. We have no doubt this IQRA Academy Hifdh program will attract students from other states in the future in shaa Allah.”
Learn about our Teachers here!
Please fill out below if you would like to apply for the program!